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Found 172 studies out of 172
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Comprehensive Annual Modular Survey (CAMS),NSS 79th round: 2022-23

Collection: Other Surveys
Created on: Oct 11, 2024 Last modified: Oct 11, 2024 Views: 2142

AYUSH of NSS 79th round: 2022-23

Collection: Other Surveys
Created on: Jun 12, 2024 Last modified: Jun 12, 2024 Views: 5673

Annual Survey of Unincorporated Sector Enterprises (ASUSE) of 2021-2022

Collection: Other Surveys
Created on: Jul 05, 2024 Last modified: Jul 05, 2024 Views: 6562

Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), July 2023-June 2024

Created on: Sep 23, 2024 Last modified: Sep 23, 2024 Views: 9153

Annual Survey of Unincorporated Sector Enterprises (ASUSE) of 2022-2023

Collection: Other Surveys
Created on: Jul 05, 2024 Last modified: Jul 05, 2024 Views: 9747

Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), Calendar Year 2021 (Jan21 Dec21)

Created on: Jun 06, 2023 Last modified: Jun 06, 2023 Views: 10275

Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), July 2019-June 2020

Created on: Jun 06, 2023 Last modified: Jun 06, 2023 Views: 13329

Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), Calendar Year 2022 (Jan22 Dec22)

Created on: Jun 06, 2023 Last modified: Jun 06, 2023 Views: 14391

Unit Level Data of Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) July 2020-June 2021

Created on: Jul 31, 2023 Last modified: Jul 31, 2023 Views: 16037

Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), July 2018-June 2019

Created on: Jun 06, 2023 Last modified: Jun 06, 2023 Views: 17338

Time Use Survey (TUS), January 2019-December 2019

Collection: Other Surveys
Created on: Jun 06, 2023 Last modified: Jun 06, 2023 Views: 20860

Multiple Indicator Survey(MIS), NSS 78th Round

Collection: Other Surveys
Created on: Jun 06, 2023 Last modified: Jun 06, 2023 Views: 28569

Village Facilities Survey ,July - December 1991, NSS 47th Round

India, 1991
By: FOD(NSSO) - Ministry of Statistics and PI, Government of India
Created on: Jan 16, 2018 Last modified: Mar 27, 2019 Views: 29954

Slums Survey January - June 1993, NSS 49th Round

India, 1993
By: National Sample Survey Office - Ministry of Statistcs and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI)
Created on: Jan 17, 2018 Last modified: Mar 27, 2019 Views: 33126

Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), July 2021-June 2022

Created on: Jun 06, 2023 Last modified: Jun 06, 2023 Views: 34860
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